The Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saqib Nisar was right ? - Read the funeral of justice too

The Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saqib Nisar will be right, but you go to any court of the country, 'You can open a court case', will shake up to your soul 'You will see the realities of justice'. Do not get away, take the case of Habib Bank's pensioners. The government has decided in 1974 to get all employees of banks and pay pensions equal to government employees. "The government also decided that whenever the pension rolls change The bank will also apply to the employee, but Habib Bank closed pensioners' pension in 1999 'Bank retired employees' administration The petitioner requested the Chief Minister, "Prime Minister" Speaker, Sen and Finance Minister, but kept silent, "the Federal Ombudsman, who went to Federal Ombudsman in 2013, tangled and kept silent. The verdict in favor of 'bank appealed to President against the verdict' This appeal is being held in 2016, President Mamoon Hussain's office. 'My elderly friend Sheikh Hafeez was also involved in the pensioners' he was an autonomous man. I was aware of the circumstances of his last days, so I died in 2016, for the pensions of Habib Bank after his death. The President took notice and gave a decision in favor of pensioners on May 30, 2016. The East Bank gave orders to Habib Bank on July 12, 2016, but the bank on July 30 petitioned in the Islamabad High Court against Pakistan's decision "Today the petition has been done for two and a half years but sometimes the lawyers disappear and sometimes the judges go on holiday, as the pensioners are pushing for continuously pushing for 18 years." It also paid huge fees for lawyers to increase their pensions. And they are also suffering from judicial costs. These are '70% 90 years old people', how it is in today's cost of Rs 8300. He said, "How can it reach the court and how it will be disappointed by the court," Chief Justice Bakui can estimate 'Chief Justice can also evaluate these people 3044 in 2015'

It has left 2743 from December 2017, as 300 pensioners lost their lives before getting justice. 'Habib Bank's average average of one pensioner is dead and the pensioners' management and advocacy strategy of this bank is known. Lawyers will drag them into the Islamabad High Court for two years'. This will be followed by the Inter Court in the appeal, and will appeal to the Supreme Court after this and will be 2030 and in the remaining 2743 pensioners also die It will be said that the bank will be cleared from payment. My Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saqib Nisar is questioning whether this attitude is not in the way of justice. Is Judge and Lawyer responsible for, and if there is justice, do parents have this attitude with their children? On one side of our courts, it is a attitude, 'It is also a barrier to old pensioners, while you are second Look at Justice Baba's fantastic 'Chief justice of Pakistan, visit the Fifteen park on a day' You will see a wide and spectacular building in the park 'It was a club building' in Kamran Lashari era, CDA F.9 Park I started making State of the Art Club 'budget for billions allocated for the club'Nener Ali Dadada designated' Construction started 'by Justice It was interesting to take Somooto notice 'This club also got into this passion.' The shopkeeper Mohammad Chowdhary constructed the club 'this building is now standing bungalow for 12 years.' The bill also spent billions of rupees and CDs The guard is also protecting bricks and rocks. During these 12 years, the sluts are dead to die for payment. "I go to the Fine Nain Park for a second walk in the week. 'Whenever I arrive near the building, my heart It sits '' It was the money of someone's father. 'What did you get right to you, you took care of the workers and workers who were cautious.' These billions The land was 'Cda' if it sells the land and this building today it will earn 10 billion rupees but you not only tie the land but also put the responsibility of protecting it on the CDA. The CDA is now spending millions of rupees on brick protection ', this project could give up to 200 people. It could have been worth millions of rupees monthly and it was also useful for residents of Islamabad.' Can the judges ask the judges "missing" judges about this cruelty? Can we ask Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry after retirement Why have you ruined the billion rupees of the nation? I am also present with the Chief Justice, with the literature, how long would this building be standing as a witness? 'When will this punishment come to pass?' Our Chief Justice Saqib Nisar said on December 16, "Judge pressure But the judiciary is the father of the nation. "But the Chief Justice heard the incident of an ill widow in the same address, 'The woman and her late husband were good' Husband left heavy agricultural property after passing 'Sunni sects I am part of the widow property, while the Shia law inherits a widow inheritance in the agricultural land. 'The nephew's grandfather had lost his uncle The woman was shifted to court for seventeen years in the courts 'she was left', tattooed the tattoo and reached courts to the courts. Just a woman lost the case in the civil court and it was also true in the High Court, 'It finally got the Supreme Court' Justice Saqib Nisar heard the case. The Chief Justice gave the verdict in favor of him.

But the question is, how will this lady benefit from this decision? It was 17 years in search of justice 'it became dark and it took the loan and kept paying lawyers' what will it do to this property now? Does the Chief Justice have any answer to this question and can any person in this country ask the judges who did not give justice to the unbelievable woman who was aware that in every court, she was frightening in front of every judge and My husbands are listening, but the opposition party proved to be the Shi'ite in court with the help of counterfeit witnesses. Did the Chief Justice take this unfaithful wife to the unmarried widow for those 17 years in court? We have to obey today, we are living with the worst system of justice. 'In our country, people in our country, when they want to make a sign of a lesson, take it to court and the court makes it an inspiration that People could not even do all the opponents 'people in our country threaten others, if you do not stop, I will surrender you in courts; we have to accept people as a place to drag our father.' It will be right till today, no mother has created such red bloodshed that can bring our judiciary to pressure "who can take our decisions from our judges. But where will we keep these blind widows' what will we answer the examples like a club and what is the problem of these pension cases? 'Seth court adjourns five hundred crores lawyers' elder pensioners die. There is an increase in the fee of the court, and the proceedings of court justice and what we have to do is also justified by the lawyers who give mistakes to their clients within the courts. 'Judges slay and Judicial Complex furniture and glass breaks' If our justice bureaucrat is not protected by his lawyer's children's hands What is left behind in the country? '' I wish our judiciary should understand all the judges and all the lawyers as the meanings of Hazrat Ali. "The society can walk with infidelity, but the right society can not live" for our society. What should be a big death, our chief justice is forced to eat the type of self-immunity in front of live cameras, so we should now read the funeral of justice as well as justice.


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